Thursday, January 14, 2010
Dr. Austin report:
We went to Louisville on Wednesday to see Karsyn's surgeon. He thought everything looked really well and we do not need to see him ever again:) We also did a blood check and that was 2.2 so now we are going the other way. This is all I have time for now I have to get busy cleaning up this house it is a mess we have been running all week and we will go again tomorrow to do blood check and see Dr Arensman. Whew! What a week!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Our week started out a lot different then we had planned. Monday morning we went to get his coumadin level checked and we were all just talking and once the nurse just stopped and looked at me really funny and told me it was 7.0 I told her that is not right do it again and it wasn't a false reading. Normal for him should be between 2 and 3 if it gets to 3 that is pretty thin already you can tell it takes alot longer for him to stop bleeding, 7 is really thin. We called Dr Arensman and he said to go over to the hospital and do a lab draw. He was still thinking that something was wrong with the machine cause as of last Monday it was 2.3. It turned out that the lab draw was 7.7 Dr Bies was in contact with Dr Arensman and they decided that it was not safe to have him go home because even a small bump or bruise could be severe as he could bleed out really fast. We was admitted and Dr Beis came over and checked him out and along with Dr Arensman they decided to just watch him over night and get it rechecked Tue morning so we played the rest of the day and watched movies, I think he even had fun:) Blood test this morning was 3.5 PRAISE THE LORD!! We are at home and go to Louisville tomorrow to see his surgeon and get a another check done tomorrow. We don't really know what caused this but he has been sick this last week and maybe that had something to do with it. We talked about when he does come down with something we should have him checked more often. Poor Dr Beis will probably hear from us more often as this scared the wits out of me, might just put him on speed dial:) He is great, don't know what we would do without him. Hoping everything goes good tomorrow, Ill let you know
Friday, January 1, 2010
Catching up
Oh my! Where do I start? Its been so long since I updated I don't know where to begin, people were telling me they check all the time no new blogs so I'm gonna try to catch up with whats going on with Karsyn. He is doing very well which I'm so thankful for we still have to check his comundin levels and they are doing a lot better so maybe we can just check once a week. That would be great!! We was having a time with him when I said where we were going he would lose it, cry and cry until he would throw up before we ever left and then we would get there it would get worse. On Monday before Christmas we went and they had to stick him 4 times because he wouldn't hold still we had 3 nurses and me holding him down, when we left I told him that was the last time mom was going to go, its going to be Dad from now on Mom is tired of it so on Wednesday dad went and he walked in like a big boy and didn't shed a tear. The nurse called as soon as they left and told me that they had a new patient today:) She also said the whole time he kept looking at Nate like see how big I am, he was really proud! ( did I mention this is just a finger prick ) Little stinker!! I don't know if he just knew I would baby him or what. He has done some things like this at home too, one day we were getting ready to leave to go somewhere and he put his pajamas on and went to bed, when I asked him what was wrong he just said he is really really sick so of course I carried him choc milk and everything else he wanted and he just watched movies. One time I asked him if he is getting better and he said " mom I think I could have a seizure " but when Dad came home he turned into a new boy. " can we go to grandma's tonight? Nate told him"oh no you were really sick all day" " well I got better really fast you see daddy " Do you get the picture? He really can put on at the right times with the right people:) One thing that is amazing is how much more stamina he has now. When we go into a store he walks with me instead of riding in a cart, He used to not make in the doors. We go back to Louisville on 13th and on the 22nd and some time this coming week we plan our Disney vacation, Karsyn was chosen by the Make A Wish and of course he wanted to meet Lighting McQueen and Mater. We all are very excited!!!! Don't have time right now to get pictures on but will try tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Good news
We got some good news today! Chest x ray looked great and we took the bandage of of the chest tube hole and it looks good too. He said tonight when we was eating that he don't have any band aids, ports or bandages anywhere. That's a great feeling!! We are done at Dr offices until Friday to check his coumadin level, I just wish we could get that leveled out now and then maybe we would be over the hump. I have heard people say how hard that was to get regulated and now I understand. One day its up the next its down but I'm sure we will get there. He needs to be on it for about a year and than he can go back to aspirin. He cant swallow pills and it don't come in liquid form so I have to crush it up and put it in something. He thinks its just awful which I'm sure it is but he don't swallow it somehow he can take a drink and keep all the pink crumbs in his mouth, by than he is just having a fit how bad it is finally after about ten minutes he can get it down. If anybody knows how to teach a 4 yr old to swallow a pill please contact me:) THANKS TO EVERYONE THAT HELPED ON SATURDAY WE REALLY APPRECIATED IT!!!! SPECIAL THANKS TO CALVIN AND KAREN AND THE REST OF OUR FAMILY!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Its Sunday morning and we are getting ready to go home!!!! We ARE SUPER EXCITED:) We need to come back on Tuesday to do blood work and another x ray but we wont think about that now we just get to go home today and that's all that matters right now. I have some good pictures of Kars and is cardiologist that I was trying to get on but cant get this computer to work so I will have to do it when we get home. Everyone that has heard us talk about Dr. Arensman will get to see how funny he is:) Kars loves him. He always listens for his heart in his feet than his knees and then acts like he cant hear it Kars just thinks that is so funny. Oh by the way his x ray not much better but at this point it will not get any worse so just keep praying that by Tuesday it will be gone.
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