Saturday, December 5, 2009

Disappointing day

In case you you haven't heard we are back in the hospital. We came down yesterday to take his drain out of his chest and things did not go as we had planned. When they pulled it out they saw that the stitch was a little infected so they just put a pressure bandage on and when he sit up he was crying and coughing of course and the tape came lose on the bottom and he sucked air into his chest cavity and collapsed part of his left lung. It never really affected him that we could tell but it can be dangerous guess, so they admitted us and was just watching him over night. The docs said if it didn't get better by this morning they would put a small tube in his side to try to drain the air out but thankfully it improved so at this point we just have to sit and wait until they think it is safe for him to go home. He does another x ray in the morning so just pray that is clear. We were really really disappointed but could it could be worse.

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